THE ARENA - Living a Courageous Life Podcast

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Lyle McKeany

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Lyle is a son, brother, husband and father. He’s a bass guitar player and blogger. 

He’s in the process of writing his first book - a memoir about his rocky introduction to fatherhood, the powerful love he has for his family and the incredible challenges he’s faced.

Lyle learns that his daughter has cerebral palsy due to the lack of oxygen to her brain when she was born. His life and the life of his family has been thrust into a world of specialists, and an adjusted view of the future.

Lyle’s writing can be found via his Substack site:

The following are further details about some of the stories he shares in this episode:

The day his daughter was born:

A piece about COVID and how it's different for his family:

A post about cerebral palsy and what that means for them:

And, lastly, his most popular piece which looks like writing advice but is really about a bunch of things that have happened in his life, including his dad's recent passing:
